Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm not creative enough to come up with a good title right now..

This is the first blog post I've written in about four or five months. I used to do it all the time, but I grew lazy and stopped. My blogging was done on myspace, but since I don't really visit the site much anymore, I thought I'd make one here. It's a new year, so why not make a whole new blog?

Thus far, 2008 was the greatest year of my life (except for perhaps when I was a kid). I have my wonderful boyfriend to thank for that. It's hard to believe that in just another week and a half, we'll have been together for a year! It's crazy how time flies.

I must take a moment now to gush about my boyfriend. As I said, he's wonderful. I honestly believe that he's the person I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. He's sweet, funny, handsome, smart (especially about computers), a geek (like me.. although maybe I'm just a dork), cheers me up when I've been crying, and puts up with my craziness and the not-so-smart things I say. We share interests in the same types of tv shows and movies, and he finally helped me find a sport I don't mind watching. He can be very silly, which is good because so can I. We hardly ever argue, and when we do it's never anything major and we get over it quickly. He's the first guy that I feel completely comfortable around, and he knows things about me that no one else does.

I really should send the creators of myspace a thank-you card. Eric lives an hour away from me, and if it wasn't for that site we probably never would have met. He first messaged me in September of 2006, and I'm really glad I replied. (I used to get messages from creepy/weird people so I wouldn't reply, but thankfully he actually seemed intelligent.) Sadly, we didn't talk much in 2007 (I was kind of wrapped up in liking another guy, stupid me), but around November or so of that year we started talking steadily again. I finally agreed to meet him in January of '08, despite my fear that after we met he wouldn't like me and I'd never hear from him again (it happened twice before with other guys I'd met from the internet). But I had nothing to fear, thank goodness, because our first meeting went great and he wanted to see me again. From then on we've seen each other at least once a week (give or take a weekend), and became official on February 6th. So that makes February one of my favorite/busiest months (anniversary, Eric's b-day, Valentine's Day, dad's b-day, older bro's b-day, and younger bro's b-day).

Living an hour away from him is hard, but we're making it work. And in a way, it's probably better to start out not being able to see each other every day. We can cherish the time we do get to spend together. It's always hard saying good-bye, though. But thankfully the weeks pass by pretty quickly, and before I know it, it's time to see my Eric again :)

Writing this is making me miss him terribly, so I think this is all for now. If you made it this far, stay tuned to my next batch of ramblings.